My name is Ellie, I grew up in a small beach community just south of Cocoa Beach, Florida. I attended San Diego State University for my undergraduate studies and the University of Central Florida College of Medicine for medical school. I graduated in 2018 and I am currently a pediatric resident at the University of Florida College of Medicine Jacksonville (UFCOM/J).
One reason I chose UFCOM/Jacksonville Pediatrics, is the ability to complete a Global Health track. My passion for global medicine started in medical school when visiting other countries as part of medical missions. Additionally, I have always traveled with my family and when in other countries was very interested in the medical system of that country. This opportunity seemed to be a perfect fit.
The global rotation not only looks at the health outside of the country (USA) but also of immigrants to the USA currently living in Jacksonville.
This ePortfolio will give you an idea of my learning experiences and serves as a brief timeline of the rotation. Enjoy!